Shaping fair cities

Modena and the C20​ in Saudi Arabia

How SDGs are implemented in C20, focus on the SDG16 - peace, justice and inclusive society

Civil Society 20 (C20) is one of the eight official Engagement Groups of the G20. It provides a platform of Civil Society Organizations around the world to bring forth a non-government and non-business voice. It provides a space through which global civil society organizations can contribute in a structured and sustained manner to the G20.  
This year over 25 civil society representatives from 14 different countries are taking part in the C20 in Arabia Saudi 2020 established 3 priorities within the 2030 Agenda: 
• empowering people, creating conditions in which everyone especially women and young people can live, work and thrive 
• Safeguard the planet by promoting collective efforts to protect our global common goods 
• Define new frontiers by adopting long-term bold strategies, for share the benefits of innovation and technological progress. 
​Eleven main working groups are mirroring the G20 working groups in the Sherpa and Finance Tracks. 
Follows the progress of G20 on the anti-corruption action plans and advocates for transparency. 
Climate, Energy & Sustainability 
Promotes biodiversity and just transitions to clean, sustainable, and environmentally-sound energy systems. 
Digital Economy 
Calls for an update to the G20 Digital Government Principles to be inclusive of environmental and social dimensions. 
Works consistently on promoting quality education, global citizenship education, education for innovation, financing for education. 
Employment & Social Protection 
Dedicated to addressing the challenges of current and future job markets insuring that decent work opportunities exist for all. 
Works on mainstreaming gender across policies by focusing on eradicating gender-based violence, harassment and harmful stereotypes. 
Global Health 
Works to insure inclusive and fair access Universal Health Care and quality healthcare systems and advocating toward financing R&D. 
Promotes infrastructure investment while ensuring quality, transparency, climate-resilience, social and environmental safe guards. 
International Financial Architecture 
Promotes fair global taxation systems, fiscal transparency, combatting illicit financial flows and tax evasion, with sustainable public debts. 
Speaks up for enhancing civic space for CSOs, and promotes the enablement of CSOs to achieve a positive impact on development. 
Trade & Investment 
Calls for fair global trade for all developed and developing countries with investment as a force for sustainable development. 
Modena city is working on many of the issues developed by the 11 Working groups and will follow the discussions during the whole year. The leader on education at international level is our expert in Modena, Paola Berbeglia
During the kick-off meeting, held in Riyadh at mid January emerged that the as far as SDG 16 - peace, justice and inclusive society is  concerned, different issues were tackled. 
Inclusion is one of the main  concern of C20 in G20, through the idea , clearly expressed by H.E. Abdulaziz Al Rasheed, Assistant Minister of Finance for International Affairs & Macro Fiscal Policies, of unleashing access to opportunities. 
“Empowering people, the employment gaps are reduced” said Abdulaziz al Rasheed, during the speech of the 1st day of kick off meeting. G20 should aim to create the  conditions in which all people, particularly women and youth, can live, work and thrive. The global economy is not delivering for all and inequalities are growing amidst a rapidly evolving environment. This is undermining people’s confidence in trade openness and the benefits of technological innovation and weighing on long-term economic growth and stability. 
As far as Peace processes are concerned, one of the session of the face to face meetings (22-24 March 2020 in Riyadh) is dedicated to: ”Ensure inclusive, equal access and continuity of quality educational opportunities for all, including children throughout contexts of crisis caused by conflicts and disasters.  With special attention to the most marginalized including girls and women, people with disabilities, migrant populations, refugees, nomads, children facing the risk of child labour, people with mental health issues, indigenous peoples, LGBTQI+ people, rural and remote communities, and those living in crisis caused by conflicts and disasters”. 
Our expert Berbeglia will continue to follow the work and will facilitate the possible contribution of Modena city to the whole process. 
All C20 processes are guided by the aim of reflecting the perspective and experience of civil society across a diverse range of topics, including those which civil society wants the G20 to address, but are not currently on the G20 agenda.   
For people interested, the C20 EWG Discussion Forum provides a platform for civil society to bring the perspective of nongovernment and non-business to G20 leaders. 

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last modified July 16, 2020 1:13 PM
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