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COVID-19 in Poland and people's trust issues

Apparently the COVID-19 crisis has been effected societies dramatically, all around the world and in Poland too, also affecting people's trust in vaccines

Polish people, who started to doubt Coronavirus-related restrictions, began not wearing mask, not keeping the distance or using sanitizers.

Also, the strong mistrust in medical assistance, mostly caused by remote appointments with doctors, and the lack of knowledge about the real efficiency of vaccines caused more and more people not trust the vaccine anymore. 

According to one of the latest research about Polish citizens’ opinion on vaccines conducted by SW Research for portal, more than half of the respondents, who read about severe side effects after AstraZeneca vaccine, would refrain from taking it.

The news spreading around European societies regarding the severe side effects after taking Astra Zeneca COVID-19 vaccines strongly divided Polish society. As a result, in some vaccine facilities even 80 percent of the registered patients have not appeared to the appointments. People refrain from taking Astra Zeneca vaccine, waiting for the “safer” Moderna, Pfizer or Johnson&Johnson vaccines.

[Photo by Hakan Nuralon Unsplash]

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last modified April 12, 2021 12:36 PM
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