Shaping fair cities

CSOs for the localization of the 2030 Agenda in Forlì

Forlì's challenge within Shaping Fair Cities: civil society organizations as main character to inform and raise awareness among citizens about sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda

Forlì represents a rich and prolific field for the growth and the development of social and cultural organizations. There is a great number of non profit organizations which play a crucial role in the social and cultural growth of the Municipality: there are 105 voluntary organizations, 123 associations of social promotion and 32 social cooperatives, divided into type A, involved in the management of social-health care services, and type B, involved in the job placement for the disadvantaged people.

In order to directly involve the civil society and the cultural organizations in the localization process of the Agenda 2030, in april 2019 a public call for proposals was launched by the Municipality of Forlì to submit project ideas concerning Agenda 2030 and the localization of the SDGs. Through this public call eighteen project ideas were received.

Through three co-planning meetings, made in May 2019, the Municipality of Forlì and the third sector organizations worked on the 18 ideas presented in order to bring out more structured projects and to group them in thematic areas. This path led to the definition of three structured projects aimed at actions related to Agenda 2030 goals: Voci della città, AbitiAMO Forlì and #agenda2030@4lì.

Voci della città, presented by DiaLogos Soc. Coop. Sociale, Coop. Casa del Cuculo, A.P.S. Spazi Indecisi, Cooperativa di solidarietà Sociale Paolo Babini, Associazione Culturale Città di Ebla and Cooperativa Sociale CIDAS, is aimed at raising awareness with respect to the issue of inclusiveness, by adopting a not-functional approach to residential areas, that will be observed and known as multiple meaning bearers, dependent both on their urbanistic history and on the people who lived them. The project wants to bring out the many cities that hide inside the urban fabric, favoring the participated observation of the spaces and the collections of the life experiences of the inhabitants, to create synergies and social bounds and make the spaces a common good for the people who live there and the ones who pass through them. In addition to these objectives, through ludic and creative ways, the projects wants to spread empathy and solidarity for a better approach to a certain target of people, subject of prejudice and stereotypes, like migrants, refugees, elder people and low-to-middle income families, seen as potential diffusers of degradation.

This project focuses on the emersion and the enhancement of the different identities that express themselves in the complex urban fabric, investigating the common spaces and collecting the stories of the people who live and pass through the places.

AbitiAMO Forlì, presented by Fondazione Abitare, Cad Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS, Associazione Culturale Sportiva Dinamica e Associazione di Volontariato Forlì Città Aperta ODV, wants to promote activities and events integrated with each other - cognitive, informative, recreational, participative and awareness raising - with the objective of knowing the public spaces and the working and living resources of the territory and raising empty houses owners’ awareness of the social value of the house.

The project will focus as well on raising stakeholders’ awareness on the value of collaboration networks, to respond to the needs of work and to produce added value to a vast reaches of citizens and disseminating the information about opportunities for inhabitants and owners, as for workers and the key stakeholders of the world of work through the training of “mentors”.

#agenda2030@4lì, submitted by the Association Pensiero e Azione, the Association Centro di Solidarietà, the Social Cooperative DOMUS COOP and the Association Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII includes laboratory activities for the local schools with a specific focus on equal opportunities in order to sensitize kids on the topics of Agenda 2030 and allow them to become agents of change.

The project foresees laboratory activities to be developed in 11 classes of primary and secondary schools of first and second degree in the Forlì area with the aim of raising awareness and mobilizing social and human capital right from the schools. Kids will work on the realization of different theatre laboratories and the production of theatre performances that will also be digitised in short films to allow their reproduction. Despite the theater activities the project will realize laboratory activities about Agenda 2030 themes and after-school activities to create a real awareness campaign on the territory.

All the laboratories include an initial part of awareness about the theme of participation and equal opportunities through a story that will bring out women’s leadership skills.

This project is an opportunity of comparison and growth to youngsters regarding the themes of equal opportunities and right behaviours in the man/women relationship in all the aspects of family and social life.

The organizations above mentioned will work to spread the knowledge of Agenda 2030 and realize project with a specific focus on SDG 11, on resilient cities and communities, and SDG 5, on gender equal opportunities.

Three projects, 14 organizations, 10 months in order to have a real impact on local context.

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last modified October 20, 2020 10:59 AM
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