shARed GOvernance of Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture activities as a leverage to protect marine resources in the Adriatic sea

shARed GOvernance of Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture activities as a leverage to protect marine resources in the Adriatic sea

Argos: second meeting

Second online meeting among the project partners.

Today October 6th, the project Argos partners met online for the second time, as scheduled.

Argos is a strategic initiative which brings together institutions and stakeholders operating in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors in the Adriatic Sea Basin. The project is co-funded by the ESFR fund through the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Interreg Italy-Croatia 2014/2020 as well as by the Nationa Rotation Funds. 

The meeting, held online due to the restrictions related to the pandemics, included partners' intervention about the project goals and activities (Lead Partner Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia), the presentation of the Working Packages, particularly the Communication related WP, and information about the activities' managing system and some crucial financial matters. 

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last modified October 23, 2020 1:20 PM
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