
ADaptation in Agriculture

ADAthon, Life Ada hackaton against climate change

The first hackaton of the project was hosted by Leithà with the support of Unipol Sai last 22nd and 23rd of June in Bologna

What is a hackaton? The word is a portmanteau of "hack", used in the sense of exploratory programming, and "marathon": it is a short event where programmers get together for a short period of time to collaborate on a project. Hackathons are often competition-style events where a project must be completed in a short time frame and participants are required to build prototypes, mockups or to give a final presentation.

For what concerns Life Ada project, the first event was called ADAthon and took place in Bologna on 22nd and 23rd of June: Leithà and Unipol Sai had previously launched an open call not only for IT esperts but also for agronomists and experts in the three value chains discussed in the project. The 15 participants were divided into 5 groups and worked together during 24 hours to design an technologically innovative solution helping the stakeholders of fruit and vegetables, wine and dairy value chains to anticipate and manage the effects of climate change.

The teams awarded by ADAthon experts panel are:

  • 1° prize: ADAfield an application supporting agroforestry to improve crop yields;
  • 2° prize: Erpice, a bot for risk assessment and prevention in a easy and quick way;
  • 3° prize: CLEVERFarm, an application providing agronomy, irrigation and energy-saving tips.

More details available on ADAthon page in Life Ada project website.

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last modified 2022-11-21T17:16:01+02:00
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