Milk stories

Mesar breeds goats, Fatlum produces cheese: stories that intertwine along the milk supply chain in northern Albania. Niche companies, but of increasing quality, which increasingly contribute to the economic revival of the area. Reportage: Francesco Martino. Room: Paolo Martino, Francesco Martino, Valery Poshtarov. Editing: Davide Sighele. This video was made in collaboration with the "Alliance for the development and enhancement of family agriculture in northern Albania" program. The latter is promoted by two Italian NGOs - RTM Volunteers in the world and Cooperation for development in emerging countries (COSPE) - with the support of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS). The objective of the initiative is the eco-sustainable development of one of the most backward areas of Albania.

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last modified 2019-11-04T10:49:16+02:00

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