The Interreg MED Programme is a European Transnational Cooperation programme adopted by the European Commission and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Its main objective is to promote sustainable growth in the Mediterranean area by fostering innovative concepts and practices and reasonable use of resources and by supporting social integration through an integrated and territorially based cooperation approach.
Its 13 Member and Partner States have designated as Managing Authority (MA) of the programme the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Region (France).
In order to ensure the transnationality of its own activities and help mainstreaming of projects, National Contact Points (NCPs) are operating in each States to manage direct contact with local stakeholders and provide national beneficiaries with information on the programme, on the calls for projects and on administrative requirements for the submission of applications.
For the current programming period, the Italian National Contact Point is managed by Emilia-Romagna Region through its agency ART-ER.
This website is therefore addressed to the projects' Italian partners and potential beneficiaries and then has been foreseen in Italian only.
For any information in English language regarding the programme, its activities and the co-financed projects, please go to the website of the programme itself https://interreg-med.eu.